Massage and Mental Health: How Massage Therapy Can Help Manage Mental Health Issues

Learn about the connection between massage and mental health, and discover how massage therapy can help manage anxiety, trauma, and other mental health issues.

Aug 15, 2024

Massage therapy can help treat anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress, and it’s a proven method for improving general mental and physical well-being.

It’s an often-underutilized technique to improve mental health issues, but when used in conjunction with eating well, exercising, and traditional therapy, it can have wonderful results for both mind and body. 

In this guide, I’ll explore how mental health issues impact our physical and mental health. Then, I’ll uncover how a mindful massage practice can improve sleep quality, ease physical pain, and address mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and more.  

How mental health issues can manifest physically 

Depression, anxiety, insomnia, trauma, and many other mental health issues often manifest physically in the body in different ways.

Anyone who deals with anxiety – whether it’s an occasional anxious moment or a chronic anxiety disorder – knows the physical symptoms all too well. Muscle tension, heart palpitations, trembling, and digestive issues are all common physical symptoms of anxiety.

Meanwhile, fatigue and persistent low energy are some of the most prevalent physical symptoms of depression. In fact, depression and insomnia are closely linked. Around 3/4 of depressed patients also have insomnia symptoms. Unfortunately, the fatigue and irritability associated with insomnia can worsen depression. This become a vicious cycle if not treated. 

Managing unresolved trauma or PTSD can lead to panic attacks, nightmares, dissociation, chronic pain, and hypervigilance, making it extremely difficult to relax.

No matter the source of your mental health concerns, there are ways to manage it and lead a happier, healthier life. And one of the most promising methods? Massage. 

Massage therapy is a proven way to combat various mental health issues and reduce their negative effects on the mind and body.

The science behind massage and mental health

Massage therapy offers proven benefits for mental health. Research shows that it “relaxes the nervous system by slowing heart rate and blood pressure.” 

It also has impressive physical benefits. One study found that muscles that were massaged after exercise had 30% more PGC-1alpha, which is a gene that helps muscle cells build mitochondria, and had three times less NFkB, which activates genes associated with inflammation.

During a massage, our stress hormone (cortisol) lowers, and our happy hormone (serotonin) is released. By lowering cortisol and boosting serotonin, your body is much better able to fight anxiety and stress. 

Massage therapy also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for our ‘rest and digest’ state, as opposed to the ‘fight or flight’ response driven by our sympathetic nervous system. When we’re in our ‘fight or flight’ state, our heart rate increases, our blood pressure goes up, and we can feel anxious or on edge. 

It’s common to feel the ‘fight or flight’ response occasionally, but being stuck in this state for a long time can keep our cortisol levels high. When this happens, it can increase the risk of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and memory problems. It can also lead to physical health problems like heart disease, digestive issues, and inflammation.

We must look after ourselves mentally and physically to be at our best. We all deserve to live a life where we can release stored anger, worry, or trauma and find healing and peace. Making regular massages part of your self-care routine can be a soothing and effective way to relieve your physical, emotional and spiritual discomfort.

Massage therapy and improving sleep quality

Most people will be familiar with the brain fog, irritability, and lack of energy that follows a restless night. A consistent lack of sleep or full-blown insomnia can lead to a host of mental and physical issues. Poor sleep can not only make it difficult to concentrate, but over time, sleeplessness can increase the risk for mental health issues like anxiety and depression. 

Sleep is so important, in fact, that a study has shown that people who get adequate sleep can live about five years longer than those who don’t!

Regular massage sessions can help. If you’ve ever been so relaxed during a massage that you’ve fallen asleep on the table, you can already understand how! 

The serotonin released during a massage is a precursor to melatonin, the hormone that helps us fall asleep. Quality sleep is vital for our overall health, as that’s when our body restores and heals itself, helping reduce the symptoms of anxiety or depression. 

Massage therapy for mental health support

Massage therapy is a truly powerful tool for addressing a number of mental health concerns. The enhanced mind-body connection during a massage can release not only physical tension but also any mental tension that’s present.

Managing depression with massage therapy

The endorphin release associated with the physical touch of massage can provide relief from the emotional pain of conditions like depression. 

Many of us don’t get adequate consensual physical contact in our everyday lives. Even a 10-second hug can help ease symptoms of depression. The element of human touch and connection experienced during a massage can provide a sense of comfort to those struggling to cope with depression.

For many who experience depression, isolation can trigger a depressive episode. The relationship built between massage therapist and client is based on trust and care, and can provide crucial social support for those who need it. 

How massage can help chronic pain and trauma

Massage therapy can also help with chronic pain. While it’s easy to assume that chronic pain is strictly a physical ailment, it can have strong psychological roots. 

Research has shown that those who have experienced trauma in childhood are more likely to experience chronic pain in adulthood. 

Certain kinds of trauma can also cause a detachment from the body, and massage can help restore that connection through grounding techniques and physical touch in a safe and controlled environment. 

By bringing the awareness back to the present, the physical sensation of massage can sometimes result in an emotional release. Releasing these stored emotions can be a powerful healing moment – physically and mentally – bringing immense relief to those suffering after trauma, or struggling with post-traumatic stress disorders.

Boosting body image through massage therapy

For those who struggle with body image, regular massage sessions can improve self-esteem. A study found that those who got massages reported a more positive view of themselves and their bodies afterwards. 

The sense of relaxation, the shift of focus away from appearance, and the release of endorphins during a massage largely contributed to improved body image over time.

Even for those dealing with more serious issues, such as eating disorders, massage can be beneficial on the road to recovery. The safe environment created during a massage can help foster more positive feelings towards the body, working through the physical and mental trauma that can often accompany an eating disorder. 

Integrating massage therapy into your self-care routine, alongside other forms of therapy, can be transformative for your mental well-being.

Licensed Massage Therapy in Round Rock ready to help you relax and unwind!

Massage is a powerful tool for promoting relaxation and mindfulness, with countless physical and emotional benefits. It can improve sleep, lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety and depression, and relieve pain and muscle tension, making it a brilliant addition to any self-care routine. 

No matter what kind of mental health issues you may be struggling with, you’re not alone, and there are treatments available to help you. A massage therapist will be able to work with you to develop a holistic care plan to treat you – mind, body and spirit.

I take a personalized approach, understanding that each individual has unique requirements. My mission is to provide a sanctuary where you can find solace, knowing that your needs will be truly heard and understood.

Book your first session today and take the next step towards a happier and healthier you!